Shipping Policy
Most customers receive their product(s) within 7-15 business days of placing their order. Products shipped with Free Shipping mostly reach customers within 15 days.
You should receive an email confirming your order shortly after you’ve placed it. If you don’t receive that email, please check your Spam folder and see if you can locate it (Please mark “ Not as Spam” to receive the emails directly into your Inbox). This is especially important because, if you haven’t received the order confirmation email, you also won’t receive the email with your shipment notification and tracking information.
If you have any questions about the lead time on a specific item, please contact us with your questions.
What are the delivery charges?
Orders of Rs 500 or above are delivered free.
What is the estimated delivery time?
Estimated delivery time depends on the following factors:
The Seller offering the product
Product's availability with the Seller
The destination to which you want the order shipped to and location of the Seller.
Are there any hidden costs?
There are NO hidden charges when you make a purchase on SKY WIRE BROADCAST.
Why is the CoD option not offered in my location?
Availability of CoD depends on the ability of our courier partner servicing your location to accept cash as payment at the time of delivery.
Our courier partners have limits on the cash amount payable on delivery depending on the destination and your order value might have exceeded this limit. Our COD option is only available in Delhi NCR.
Returns are easy. Contact Us to initiate a return. You will receive a call explaining the process, once you have initiated a return.
You will be able to make your purchases on our site from anywhere with credit/debit cards, net banking and wallet in India.